Cute little story I just had to share
When I decided to get clean and sober I was introduced to a program full of people who were doing exactly the same thing, searching for a better life, one free from the chains of addiction.
I met so many people on day one of my new recovery and I can still remember it today all the new faces, the happiness, the struggles, the transformation but one thing will always stand out, the thing that sealed the deal for me was “let’s call him bob”
Bob was a very old wise man and had over 20 years up of clean living, at first I thought he was a bit creepy 😂 because he came straight over to me without a word he opened my hand and put a tiny marble in my palm, I looked up at him confused.
Bob then quietly said “ kid next time you think of putting another drink or drug in that temple of yours before you do throw this over a bridge so the water can swallow it”.
Needless to say I was still very confused so of course I asked him why?
Bob softly whispered “because if you do decide to drink or use you are doing two things, throwing your life away and you will loose your marbles" he said, as he laughs.
Look I was only one day clean so you bet your ass I had already decided I didn’t like bob, only because I knew he was right 😂 Although I was resentful at him I knew deep down what he was saying was true. I had a choice, I very much could do this but if I picked up whatever it may be I would throw away my life and as my evidence goes I would go simply insane and loose my marbles.
It all made sense and I held on to that tiny marble in my palm as I sat and listened day after day for the first twelve months of my recovery.
My marble meant everything to me from day 1 to now and wherever I went it went too.
For the first time I understand how precious my life and sanity was and is.
I clenched that marbles during those 3am insomnia moments, praying not to pick up.
I held on tight to it when life was painful, when I thought it would never get better.
I kept it close to give me hope when I felt there was none.
As I sat at twelve months to the day sharing my story to over a hundred rehab clients, I looked down nervous as all hell and there in my palm I held that tiny marble that bob gave me my very first day clean.
Although it’s such a little gesture for one to do,in this case this man saved somebody’s life that day. Bob and his little marble saved my LIFE. It is proof that it really is one addict helping another.
Today I have two marbles and I still hold on to them and think of “bob”
Thank you for saving my life, you know who you are ❤️