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#mystorychangetosurrender Darren

Writer: changetosurrenderchangetosurrender

What is your story? Tell us about your story from the beginning to where you are now?

My name is Darren Adams. On December 16th 2017, after being on another spree I looked at my crying girlfriend. She was begging me not to shoot up what I just put in the needle, that it would kill me and I said to her I wanted to die as I shot it up. Then I was dead.

I over dosed on a mixture of meth and heroin. After thirty minutes or so of CPR and six doses of narcan the EMTs were able to bring me back enough to take me to the hospital. It took me about two weeks of foggy delusions before my mind started to come back. I'd never really fully surrendered to God but after what had happened I knew deep down in my soul that God was the only reason why I was alive. I failed to mention when the EMTs showed up they pronounced me dead on arrival.

I began to deepen my relationship with God and built up a great support group through Church and recovery group. You would think that that was the last time I used. The straw that broke the camel's back so to say. Well it was in a sense but I'm a very stubborn person and hard headed and five months later I used again. I was always the type that got high when things where going great and tear everything back down. So I did get high and it was the worst experience but I knew without any doubts that I was done. I vowed to my self and God that I was not going to live like that anymore. That was May 18th 2018.  So thanks to God, my Church family and an awesome support group May 19th 2018 is my sobriety date. And for that I am truly grateful.

The key for me is support. There is a saying in 12 steps program, I get drunk and we stay sober. That is a fact. I don't walk this road alone. I am not perfect and never will I claim to be. But today a lot of the promises have come true and some that I never thought possible. Three actions keeps me on the right track. Trust God, clean house and help others. I thank God for saving me from myself. I was my own worst enemy. This is just a small part of my life through addiction. I have been up and down many roads. My hope for you is you can take something from my experience and most of all have hope that we can overcome this disease together. Thank you for reading.

What support systems helped you in your recovery?

Forgiving myself for all the harm I have inflicted on others. When I truly surrender to God I knew in my heart that he forgave me and he gave me the strength to move forward.

What advice would you give to someone who is starting their recovery journey?

Realize that no one except Jesus is perfect. Find a sponsor and a support group that you feel like you belong to. Let people in your life that are reaching out to you. Only me or you can be the one who changes. It's our choice and we must make a choice. Only you know when you have had enough or ready. Most importantly when you start getting better, the best way to stay moving forward is giving back and helping others. Be active in your recovery and know even in your worst days sober, think about where you came from. And last but not least search for that fundamental ideal of God and cling to what you find.

Before and After

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